Marketing Material

At Equitas we know that an effective Drip Marketing Campaign means touching your client every opportunity you have. A big part of any Drip Campaign is passive marketing. Passive Marketing is basically a means of letting your clients know what you offer without directly engaging them. Simply letting them know “I am here and this is what I’ve got”.

The reason that this is so important and effective is because it is impossible to know what your client may want exactly when they want it. By passively putting information out there each time you send a renewal, quote, or any correspondence you are essentially going to hit a percentage of clients who are looking for that very thing at that specific time. How many times have you heard a client say “I didn’t know you did that!

This means they just took their business somewhere else simply because they did not know you offered that particular Market or Service! Touching your client at every opportunity is an essential element of your campaign that is meant to augment your on-line presence.  

Great Graphics and web design Morstan

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